What to Put in Dog Food to Stop Eating Poop?

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What to Put in Dog Food to Stop Eating Poop : Dogs are known to have some interesting eating habits, and one of the more unpleasant ones is their tendency to eat their own poop. This behavior, known as coprophagia, can be both frustrating and concerning for dog owners. If you’re dealing with a poop-eating dog, it’s essential to address the underlying causes and find effective solutions. This article aims to provide valuable insights into what you can put in your dog’s food to help curb this undesirable behavior.

Understanding Coprophagia

Coprophagia refers to the behavior of dogs consuming their own feces. While it may seem repulsive to us humans, it is relatively common among dogs, particularly puppies and some adult dogs. Understanding why dogs engage in this behavior is crucial to finding effective solutions.

If My Dog Eats Poop, Should I Be Concerned?

Dogs who indulge in this gross habit run the danger of catching worms in their digestive systems or developing stomach discomfort. Furthermore, as was previously said, coprophagia in dogs may be indicative of a more serious health problem.

This problem, whether behavioural or of a medical origin, may be quite upsetting for both parties involved. No one likes getting licked by a dog who has just finished eating feces.

Keeping all this in mind, it’s probably best not to freak out too much if you catch your dog eating waste. Keep them from focusing on it by picking it up and moving on.

Your dog is more inclined to continue eating excrement if you make a big deal out of it. If you’re worried about your dog ingesting feces, it’s best to consult a vet.

Common Causes of Coprophagia

There are a number of causes for dogs to consume their own feces. Some common causes include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies: Dogs lacking certain nutrients in their diet may resort to eating feces as a way to compensate for the deficiency.
  • Behavioral issues: Dogs with anxiety, boredom, or stress may engage in coprophagia as a form of self-soothing or out of habit.
  • Natural instinct: In the wild, mother dogs clean up after their puppies by consuming their waste. This instinct may carry over into domesticated dogs.
  • Medical conditions: Certain health conditions, such as malabsorption issues or parasites, can lead to coprophagia.

Ensuring a Balanced Diet

Providing a well-balanced and nutritionally complete diet is essential for preventing coprophagia. Ensure that your dog’s food meets all their nutritional needs and provides a good balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Feeding high-quality commercial dog food that is appropriate for your dog’s age, size, and breed is a good starting point.

What to Put in Dog Food to Stop Eating Poop
Image by Freepik

Key Ingredients to Add to Dog Food

While a balanced diet is essential, there are specific ingredients you can add to your dog’s food to help deter them from eating their poop. These ingredients include:


Adding probiotics to your dog’s food can improve their gut health and digestion. A healthy gut can reduce the appeal of feces to your dog.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes aid in the proper breakdown and absorption of nutrients. By enhancing digestion, you can address any potential nutritional deficiencies that may contribute to coprophagia.


Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, can alter the flavor of your dog’s feces. Adding a small amount of pineapple to their food may deter them from eating their feces.


A fiber-rich meal like pumpkin can help your dog’s digestive tract function normally. It can add bulk to their stool and make it less palatable.

Yucca Schidigera

Yucca Schidigera is a plant extract that can help reduce stool odor. By making the poop less smelly, it may discourage your dog from consuming it.

Vegetables and Fruits

Including a variety of dog-friendly vegetables and fruits in your dog’s diet can provide additional nutrients and add variety to their meals. Some suitable options include carrots, green beans, and apples.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and can help improve your dog’s digestion. Add a small amount of coconut oil to their food as a nutritional supplement.


Certain supplements, such as vitamin B complex or fish oil, can aid in overall health and well-being. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if any specific supplements may benefit your dog.

Implementing Dietary Changes

When introducing dietary changes, it’s important to do so gradually. Abrupt changes can upset your dog’s stomach and potentially worsen the coprophagia behavior. Gradually incorporate the recommended ingredients and monitor your dog’s response.

Other Strategies to Discourage Coprophagia

In addition to dietary changes, there are other strategies you can employ to discourage coprophagia:

  • Proper waste management: Ensure you clean up your dog’s waste promptly and keep the environment clean.
  • Leash training: Train your dog to walk on a leash, allowing you to have better control and prevent access to feces during walks.
  • Distraction and redirection: Engage your dog in interactive play or provide them with appropriate chew toys to divert their attention from feces.
  • Positive reinforcement: Reward your dog for good behavior and provide praise when they refrain from eating poop.

Consultation with a Veterinarian

If your dog’s coprophagia persists despite dietary changes and behavior modification attempts, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions and provide further guidance based on your dog’s specific needs.


Dealing with a dog that eats poop can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be addressed effectively. By understanding the underlying causes of coprophagia and making appropriate dietary changes, you can significantly reduce this behavior. Remember to consult with your veterinarian for professional advice tailored to your dog’s unique situation.


1. Is it normal for dogs to eat their own poop? Yes, it is relatively common for dogs, especially puppies, to engage in coprophagia. However, it is essential to address the behavior to ensure your dog’s well-being.

2. Can I use any type of probiotics for my dog? Not all probiotics are suitable for dogs. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the most appropriate probiotic supplement for your dog’s needs.

3. How long will it take for dietary changes to show an effect on coprophagia? The time it takes for dietary changes to have an impact can vary depending on the dog. It may take a few weeks to notice improvements in their behavior.

4. Should I discipline my dog for consuming feces? No, punishing your dog for eating poop can worsen their anxiety or stress levels. Instead, concentrate on tactics for redirection and positive reinforcement.

5. Can coprophagia be a sign of an underlying health issue? Yes, coprophagia can sometimes indicate underlying health conditions. If the behavior persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consult with your veterinarian for a thorough evaluation.

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